Ita /Eng /


Art.1 – Purpose
The Francesco Fabbri Onlus Foundation holds the Francesco Fabbri Prize for the Contemporary Arts with a view to promote international contemporary photographic research and the emerging arts, in general.


Art. 2 – Sections and eligibility

The award competition is open to all contemporary artists no matter the nationality. It imposes no limitations in terms of themes, as per the criteria provided in the individual sections.
Artists can register with both sections and/or submit multiple artworks within the same section.



This section includes works by contemporary artists under 35 years of age at the closing date of the Call, this year being 2ns September 2024. All participants will be invited to submit any form of visual artwork—with no limitations in terms of the language used—such as painting, drawing, graphic art, sculpture, art installations, video-art, performance art, sound-art and photography.
The artworks will not exceed 150×150 cm in size, if two-dimensional, and a footprint of no more than 150x150x150 cm, if three-dimensional.
The artworks submitted will be evaluated by the jury according to criteria of quality and contemporaneity.



This section calls for authors of all nationalities working with any photographic medium, with no limits of age. The artworks submitted will not exceed 150×150 cm in size.
Artists will be able to submit only one entry per submission, also as one installation including multiple images falling within the allowed size of 150×150 cm (e.g. diptychs or triptychs).
The artworks submitted will be evaluated by the jury according to criteria of quality and contemporaneity.


Art. 3 – Prizes

The winners will be awarded the following prizes:
€5,000.00 (five thousand/00) to the winner of the “EMERGING ART” section.
€5,000.00 (five thousand/00) to the winner of the “CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY” section.
The jury reserves the right to also assign special mentions wherever particularly significant artworks in terms of quality and research were identified.
The prize amounts will be subject to a 25% withholding tax as per laws currently in force.


The two winning artworks will remain in the property of the Francesco Fabbri Foundation and will be installed at Casa Fabbri, the Foundation’s headquarters.


Art. 4 – Deadlines and registration

Artists can register from 11 th July until 2nd September 2024, as stated below:


Via the Francesco Fabbri Foundation website at this link: leading to the online registration form, as follows:
– Please complete a new registration form for each artwork you wish to submit.
– Please upload a single image or transmit a single video for each artwork you wish to submit.
– For pictures (mandatory for paintings, drawings, graphic artworks, sculptures, art installations, photography and contemporary photography), please upload files with the following characteristics: JPEG, PNG or TIF file format, 4 Mpx resolution, file size between 1 and 5 MB.
– For videos (mandatory for video and performance artworks), the file cannot be uploaded and will need to be transmitted by entering a link in the form for subsequent downloading. Transmission will be under the sole responsibility of the artist. The file submitted should have the following characteristics: MP4, MOV or AVI file format, 10 minutes max.
– The application will be accepted provided that all the mandatory fields in the registration form have been completed; if at least one picture or video file is attached, and if the payment date and method of the registration fee are indicated

To better explain the artist’s intent, the following can be attached to the online documents: the artist’s resume, explanatory notes and a picture of the artwork (out-of-competition), explaining the artist’s line of research.


Art. 5 – Registration fee

The registration fee, for the contribution to the expenses of the Prize, is equal to Euro 40.00 (forty / 00 euros) for each work to be submitted.


Payment of the registration fee must be made in Euros, without charges or commissions charged to the Prize. The registration fee is not refundable.


Payment of the registration fee can be made by:
–     PAYPAL (online, direttamente sul sito della Fondazione Fabbri);
–     BONIFICO BANCARIO: Banca Prealpi Sanbiagio Credito Cooperativo – Società Cooperativa Italia, IBAN: IT95C0890461920006000007126, codice BIC: CCRTIT2TPRE, intestato a PREMIO FRANCESCO FABBRI, causale: nome e cognome artista – Iscrizione Premio Francesco Fabbri 2024.


If the payment of the registration fee is not in order, the candidate will be automatically excluded from the Award


Art. 6 – Jury
The following jury panel will be in charge of the selection of the shortlisted artworks:


Lorenzo Balbi
Rossella Farinotti
Antonio Grulli
Angel Moya Garcia
Carlo Sala


Matteo Balduzzi
Francesca Lazzarini
Giangavino Pazzola
Mauro Zanchi
Carlo Sala


The two jury panels will shortlist 60 artworks, and namely 30 for the “Emerging Art” section and 30 for the “Contemporary Photography” section. All artworks will be featured in an exhibition that will take place at Villa Brandolini of Pieve di Soligo, Treviso, from 30th November till 15th December 2024.
The two final winners, one per section, will be selected from the shortlisted artworks.
The deliberations of the jury will be made based on criteria of quality and contemporaneity, and will be final and irrevocable.


Art. 7 – Deadlines

The Prize competition will be open for registration from 11th July until 2nd September 2024.
The names of the shortlisted artists will be announced by e-mail and posted on the website of the Francesco Fabbri Foundation before 2nd November 2024.
Shortlisted artists will have to deliver the physical selected artworks (at their own charge) to Villa Brandolini of Pieve di Soligo, Treviso, in the days of the 25 and 26 November 2024. The exhibition of the shortlisted artworks will be set up between 28th and 29th November 2024. These dates may slightly vary in the event of unexpected circumstances, which will be promptly notified to the artists by the Prize office. The artists will also be responsible for the collection of the artworks after the exhibition, with their own means and at their own charge.


Art. 8 – Shortlisted artworks show and prize awarding ceremony

The artworks by the shortlisted artists will be exhibited at Villa Brandolini of Pieve di Soligo, Treviso, from 30th November until 15th December 2024.
During the private view of the exhibition, the Prize winners will be announced, in the presence of the public and the press.


Art. 9 – Liability
The Francesco Fabbri Foundation guarantees a state-of-the-art level of expertise in the organisation of the Prize, however it declines all liability in the event of theft, fire or damage of any kind whatsoever to the artworks that may occur during the time of the event. The artists who intend to fully protect their artwork are invited to take out a separate private insurance policy.


Art. 10 – Privacy

The participants in the Francesco Fabbri Prize competition authorise the Francesco Fabbri Foundation to process their personal data pursuant to law 675/96 (Privacy Law), subsequent amendments to Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Privacy Code) and GDPR on Privacy (reg. EU No. 679/2016) including amendments to Legislative Decree 101/18.
They also grant the Francesco Fabbri Foundation free rights to reproduce the works and texts issued for the Prize for publication in the Foundation’s website, and various forms of promotion initiatives in the context of the event.


Art. 11 – Compliance with the Call
Registration to the Prize implies the tacit acceptance of all the articles set forth in this Call.


Pieve di Soligo, 11 luglio 2024